How to Develop Relationships with Automatic Response Technologies with Jeff Troyer


90% of first-time donors never donate again. What makes the difference is connecting with people. Direct communication is the key to connection. Automatic Response Technologies is a tool to help you solve this problem. Your voice is the most powerful communication tool you own.

Conversation Highlights: 

{00:41} Introduction to Automatic Response Technologies. 

{01:27} What draws us to nonprofit work? 

{05:15} The three goals of Automatic Response Technologies.

{13:53} Finding inexpensive ways to connect with people.

{26:05} The importance of direct communication with people. 


Remarkable quotes: 

In 3-4 years, we’ve done almost 500 campaigns

Faith comes by hearing. 

If you’re a fundraiser, you’re usually thinking about the best way to engage constituents. 

The most powerful communication in the world is your voice. 

Connection is hard to understand, especially when we’re in a text world. 

Upwards of 90% of first-time donors never do it again because they’re never thanked. 






 Bio for Jeff Troyer

Jeff has been blessed to work for the same company for over 20 years. His role is to introduce and then help clients use Voice Broadcast to send nurturing and informational messages in their own voice (the most powerful communication tool they own) to all their customer’s, donor’s, or member’s phones on a regular basis. 


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