Real Building Blocks

Hosted by Jared Ledbetter, a USMC Veteran, who talks about business, life and the path to success. The raw deal, to include failures and lessons learned, all happening live. The “Real Building Blocks” are part of a foundational concept that any business could embrace to level up their company. All you need to do is act.
  • E065. Sidebar - Don't Lie About Your Services

    Summary The conversation is about having integrity in business and not lying about services. The host shares a situation where a veteran posted about their credit card processing services and made false claims. The host explains the structure of the credit card processing industry and how […]

  • E064. Sidebar - Be Weary of Ancillary Services

    Summary Jared discusses the importance of vetting service providers, especially those offering ancillary services, to ensure they specialize and excel in those services. He shares an experience with a martial arts school where poor service could lead to a contract termination and touches […]

  • E063. Sidebar - A.I. Survivor, From Skeptic to Believer

    In this sidebar episode, our host takes a personal detour to reflect on his own evolving relationship with artificial intelligence. This sidebar conversation, more intimate and candid than our usual format, invites listeners into a journey of skepticism, discovery, and eventual admiration […]

  • E62. Sidebar - Don't post it if you can't prove it

    Launching our new sidebar segment. Today's sidebar is about making claims on social media that you can't substantiate. --- Support this podcast:

  • E61. Finding Humility and Integrity from Chaos on Social

    Just a short story of a Facebook post gone awry, dissecting it's content, and discovering how I turned that into humility. Until things went sour, and I found enough integrity to shut it down. --- Support this podcast:

  • E60. Know Your Values. Stand Tall On Them.

    Covering a Facebook post about values, self worth and staying firm in your process. --- Support this podcast:

  • E59. Crafting your brand tag line

    Your brand tagline is another layer to getting your message out there. --- Support this podcast:

  • E58. What is a brand name?

    In this episode, we discuss what is a brand name, and tips on how to create a good brand name. --- Support this podcast:

  • E57. What is a brand positioning statement?

    Here we talk about what is a brand positioning statement, and some examples of leveraging your values in your brand positioning statement. --- Support this podcast:

  • E56. We Are Not All SEO Gods

    Just because we are considered experts in a field, doesn't mean that we always get it right. Check out this advice a friend received, and my reaction to it. --- Support this podcast:

  • E55. Delivering Happiness - Our Team Discusses the Book

    Our team sat down on a video call for our book club meeting and streamed the discussion live. We discussed the book, things that we learned from it and many other fun topics related to it.  --- Support this podcast:

  • E54. Simple CDN Setup for WordPress with Bunny CDN on a Branded Domain

    Quick tutorial on how to setup a CDN on our WordPress website using Bunny.Net (Bunny CDN)! Then we'll add a branded domain to the mix so you are 100% branded! --- Support this podcast:

  • E53. Breaking Down the StoryBrand Framework

    Before we dive into the elements of branding, we first need to understand our framework. And that framework is called StoryBrand.  Tune in to hear about StoryBrand and how we will leverage the framework to stabilize our brand and grow.  #fixyourfuture  #realbuildingblocks […]

  • E52. Find Your Purpose To Realign Your Business

    The first step to solving any problem is to first identify that you have one. We do that within ourselves by focusing first on what our purpose in life is. Not to be confused with out passion. Tune in to hear my story! #fixyourfuture #findyourpurpose #realbuildingblocks […]

  • E51. There Are No Shortcuts. You Have To Want It.

    Before you begin down this path, you MUST know this. There are no shortcuts. #fixyourfuture with #realbuildingblocks #business #businessfoundation #digitalfoundations If you're ready to get started, you can join the conversation in our Facebook group. […]

  • E50. The Business Foundation Elements

    Overview video number 2! Breaking down what the #realbuildingblocks elements are. It's never too late to #fixyourfuture. This is covering all 6 components and the two bonus components at a high level. From here the only way is up.    Join the Real Building Blocks group to join the […]

  • E49. Welcome to the Real Building Blocks

    We've rebranded from the "Digital Battlefield" to the "Real Building Blocks". Our primary focus is the business foundation, in which we'll discuss, but also look to bring in other experts to help you as well. It's going to be a great ride. #fixyourfuture with #realbuildingblocks --- […]

  • E48. Listener Question - How do you overcome the devastation of losing everything and figuring out how to start over?

    Briefly discussing being homeless, losing everything and what it takes to get it all back.  --- Support this podcast:

  • E47. Listener Question - What is the best way to develop yourself from a small company and survive the first 5 years?

    Answering a listener question. There are many options out there, but these tips will never fail you!  --- Support this podcast:

  • E46. Listener Question - What is the best CRM for a small business with limited funds?

    What is the best CRM for a small business with limited funds? Listen in to find out more about what a CRM is, and the few CRMs that are covered; Capsule CRM, Pipedrive and Hubspot! --- Support this podcast:

  • E45. Digital Foundations Lesson What are Conversions?

    This Digital Foundations segment is part of the Digital Battlefield Podcast and a growing Facebook Group! The Digital Foundations segment is based on the idea that your business foundation should be part of your building blocks of your business. Without a proper foundation, your business […]

  • E44. Digital Foundations Lesson Follow Up What is Traffic 20201005

    Digital Battlefield Podcast has a segment called Digital Foundations. This is where we go live in the Digital Foundations Facebook Group and talk about the foundation of our business and how to make it better.   Today we are discussing last week's lesson called "What is Traffic?".   […]

  • E43. Digital Foundations Lesson What is Traffic? 20201001

    Digital Battlefield Podcast has a segment called Digital Foundations. This is where we go live in the Digital Foundations Facebook Group and talk about the foundation of our business and how to make it better. Today we are going over this week's lesson called "What is Traffic?" Join Our […]

  • E42. Digital Foundations What is Branding Lesson Follow Up 20200928

    Digital Battlefield Podcast has a segment called Digital Foundations. This is where we go live in the Digital Foundations Facebook Group and talk about the foundation of our business and how to make it better.    Learn More Join Our Facebook Group --- Support this podcast: […]

  • E41. Digital Foundations Lesson What is Branding 20200924

    Digital Battlefield Podcast has a segment called Digital Foundations. This is where we discuss the digital foundation (building blocks of your business). Today we are covering the lesson on "What is Branding?"   Learn More Facebook Group --- Support this podcast: […]

  • E40. Digital Foundations Expert Interview Cory Myres 20200923

    Cory Myres is a graphic artist and business consultant. On the consulting side, he specializes in process improvement. He also hosts the Inspire Thrive Lead Podcast.  Mr. Myres will tell us his story from nearly 20 years in business, and provide some great insight into the process, and […]

  • E39. Digital Battlefield Interview with Tommy Walker 20200922

    Tommy Walker is an entrepreneur mindset coach from Argentina. Mr. Walker will tell us his story from 20 years in business, and provide some great insight into mindset, and how we can use it to create that mental shift needed to grow in business!   Company Name: Unleashing Your Mindset […]

  • E38. Digital Foundations Lesson Review Finding Your Purpose 20200921

    Digital Battlefield Podcast episode in our Digital Foundations FB Group. Last week we covered the lesson on Finding Your Purpose. Today this is our follow up discussion, where anyone in our circle can hop on the call and ask questions about the previous lesson.    #carbondigital […]

  • E37. Digital Foundations Lesson Finding Your Purpose

    Lesson for the Digital Foundations group that is also posted in the Digital Battlefield Podcast. Today we are talking about finding your purpose, and how it can impact your business to be on the same page. --- Support this podcast: […]

  • E36. Welcome Brief to the Digital Foundations Facebook Group

    Just covering what the group is for, how it's going to be run, how the content is delivered, and hopefully how we will grow it! --- Support this podcast:

  • E35. Digital Diagnosis with Travis Arnold

    The Digital Battlefield podcast, segment called Digital Diagnosis. In this segment, we talk about the guest's business, the challenges they face, and find real solutions on the spot. Typically, we spend a few weeks on this process, but we're pushing as much value as possible in 2 hours. […]

  • E34. Digital Diagnosis with Judy Skilling

    The Digital Battlefield podcast, segment called Digital Diagnosis. In this segment, we talk about the guest's business, the challenges they face, and find real solutions on the spot.   Typically, we spend a few weeks on this process, but we're pushing as much value as possible in 2 […]

  • E33. Digital Battlefield Interview with Hans Skillrud

    The Digital Battlefield podcast is interviewing Hans Skillrud, a developer and co-founder of Termageddon; the auto-updating privacy policy solution.   Website: --- Support this podcast:

  • E32. Finding Balance

    Many times we think that working more is better for us. In most cases, we are overworking ourselves and it has the adverse effect. Find your balance and free yourself. --- Support this podcast:

  • E31. Digital Diagnosis with Jay and Devra Brusso

    The Digital Battlefield podcast, segment called Digital Diagnosis. In this segment, we talk about the guest's business, the challenges they face, and find real solutions on the spot. Typically, we spend a few weeks on this process, but we're pushing as much value as possible in 2 hours. […]

  • E30. Digital Diagnosis with Wade Saxton 20200811

    The Digital Battlefield podcast, segment called Digital Diagnosis. In this segment, we talk about the guest's business, the challenges they face, and find real solutions on the spot.   Typically, we spend a few weeks on this process, but we're pushing as much value as possible in 2 […]

  • E29. Interview - Justin Szerletich

    Justin Szerletich recently underwent a merger with Knucklehead Media. We’re discussing how that merger came about, and Justin will give some tips in other areas of the digital spectrum. --- Support this podcast:

  • E28. Modernly Browse the Net

    Discussing internet browsers, and the importance of using a modern browser. --- Support this podcast:

  • E27. Understanding Short and Long Term Goals

    Covering the concept of goals and objectives. Also reviewed a couple of examples of what this looks like. And explaining my foundation first approach. --- Support this podcast:

  • E26. Digital Diagnosis - Travis Johnson

    Our newest segment called Digital Diagnosis. Today we're with @Travis Johnson from The Nonprofit Architect Podcast. Discussing his business, some of the challenges he faces, and overcoming them. *Note* Some parts are done via screen share. For full context, please check the video here. […]

  • E25. Interview - Dr. Rob Garcia

    Dr. Rob Garcia is "The Warrior Strategist". Today we are discussing the call to action freebies and ebooks. Using them to build your email list and some good jokes.  --- Support this podcast:

  • E24. Work Like A Doctor, Bill Like A Lawyer

    Covering the concepts of diagnose/prescribe in the digital space and how billing should work. --- Support this podcast:

  • E23. Work Hours. Why do they matter?

    We need to establish what our work hours are and our prices for those hours. Then we can identify what is after hours emergencies and expedited fees. --- Support this podcast:

  • E22. A Look Into the WAAS Model

    The Website As A Service model can be very lucrative, but it has to be cultivated properly and you have to provide value. Listen in to learn more --- Support this podcast:

  • E21. Disagreements will Happen. Learn to Address them Properly

    Covering a recent discussion with a client about a disagreement. --- Support this podcast:

  • E20. Knowing When to Turn Down Clients

    Cutting through the madness to cover why you need to turn down clients, and our recent experience with it. --- Support this podcast:

  • E19. Change is Necessary for Growth

    Covering some of the ways that I've made changes in my own life and my business. --- Support this podcast:

  • E18. Why you need a domain.

    Many companies in the early stages take their time buying a domain. Listen to find out how that can hurt you in business situations. --- Support this podcast:

  • E17. Read for success

    Knowledge is power. Reading helps you gain knowledge. It's all connected. --- Support this podcast:

  • E16. Day One Branding

    Listen to the options of branding yourself or as an agency. The benefits and downsides are presented here. --- Support this podcast:

  • E15. Power of Case Studies

    What is a case study? How can it help my digital agency? We answer all of this and more. --- Support this podcast:

  • E14. Should I niche?

    Discussing the benefits of niching down and experiences in a niche. --- Support this podcast:

  • E13. Politics in Business

    There is a difference in supporting a cause and being political. Know the difference and decide for yourself. --- Support this podcast:

  • E12. Purpose of Contracting

    There are many reasons why you need to have contracts in your business. Listen in to find out why you should protect yourself. --- Support this podcast:

  • E11. How pricing works

    There are several options for pricing your projects. Knowing your system, value and worth are great factors that can be applied. --- Support this podcast:

  • E10. Invest in your success

    Investing in your success takes on many forms. Whether its personally or professionally, there are always ways to improve. --- Support this podcast:

  • E9. Don't Blow Your Earnings

    Managing your money is important. --- Support this podcast:

  • E8. The Process. And why it matters

    Businesses that scale effectively always have procedures and processes in place. Its no different in the digital space --- Support this podcast:

  • E7. Are you a designer or developer?

    Many people don't know the difference between a designer and a developer. Listen to find out, and why it matters. --- Support this podcast:

  • E6. Mentorship and Contracting

    Covering some of my experiences as a subcontractor under my mentor. Finding the right person to guide you is the key to your growth. --- Support this podcast:

  • E5. Failing in business

    Short piece about some of the companies that I've ran. Most of then went badly. Check it out. --- Support this podcast:

  • E4. Post Enlisting History

    Just a little history about me after signing my enlistment contract. --- Support this podcast:

  • E3. Early Years

    Quick history of me up until I enlisted --- Support this podcast:

  • E2. Format

    Going over the topics, and PSAs for the podcast. --- Support this podcast:

  • E1. Intro

    Trailer to get up and running. --- Support this podcast: